by Dani Lasher


October 1, 2020 | The Birth Circle

  • The only one I know of is my mother-in-law, due to three precipitous labors. Both of my grandmother’s had “twilight” births with their 3 and 4 births. 😳😬

  • My biological mother went 42 weeks and 5 days with me. They induced labor and I kept flipping over so eventually she opted for a csection. I havent told anyone we plan on home birthing because I hear lots of friends tell other friends “you’ll be begging for pain meds”. So I figured id keep it to myself. 🙂

    • It’s such a shame women cannot just rise above and support one another in these situations. I try to encourage women to be open with their friends, family, providers, etc regardless. Do you think you are holding back on being honest with them because you don’t want to hurt their feelings, or because you don’t want to entertain their clap back?

  • One friend that I know of, had a home water birth. If there’s anyone else, they haven’t shared about it. Everyone else was in a hospital (no birth centers near me), most with an epidural and/or c-section.

  • My first baby at age 23. 36 hours and had laughing gas at the end. Fortunately no one pressured me to have the epidural at the hospital. I likely would have gave in. I was too scared to be paralyzed from the epidural so that kept me going. Lol.
    Baby #2 and 3 epidurals
    19 years later, 39 weeks with baby #4 and looking forward to a home water birth! I’m glad I experienced the powerful natural birth with my first so I have the confidence to do it again!

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