The Birth Circle Core Content Conclusion

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  1. Alena Casey

    Wow, I’m just so excited. 😊 I think I’m going to be one of those moms who stays forever. I’ve had three successful natural births (we’re hoping for more!) and I just want more and more to learn, and to share with my friends who are having babies. Thank you for this, Dani!

    1. Avatar photo Dani Lasher, Childbirth Educator

      Right?? Gosh I know, sharing knowledge between mothers is SO important. We have become such a strange society in that aspect… warning women not to trust each other. Being in constant competition instead of supporting. All it takes is our refusal to behave that way and consistent display of support to change that mindset in those around us. It’s really powerful and we should exercise our opportunity for it more IMHO.

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